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Rachel Bentley

“You go away for a long time and return a different person – you never come all the way back”
― Paul Theroux

The student study tour to Inner Mongolia was motivated by a curiosity sparked through my supervision of international Masters students (HCA), from both Mongolia and China.  Inner Mongolia has a complex history.  It is a land so vast that our journey involved many hours of travelling together by bus to experience desert, grassland and mudflat landscapes in rural communities. Despite the harshness of the environment, Inner Mongolian people opened their doors and communities to us without reservation. The kindness, respect and pride Inner Mongolian people demonstrated to our student group was a constant reminder of the human qualities that can draw us together.  In my photographic and video captures, I have tried to offer a glimpse of the generosity of spirit which greeted us daily from our hospitable hosts and breathtaking country.

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