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Kate Edgecombe

Student Photographer

Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication)

From childhood,  have always been drawn to and favoured horses. On the tour I was able to photograph horses in their special relationship with Inner Mongolians. It is clear that Inner Mongolians are at one with respect and love for their horses. During the thirteenth century, Mongolian horses were used by Genghis Khan as they were effective warhorses and, as needed, were useful as meat and milk for the warriors. 

Without question, Mongolian horses are beautiful. They are stocky, healthy, strong, long-living and can be seen on the vast Mongolian grasslands and mountainous regions. It is such a thrilling sight to witness in the late afternoon a herd of horses led by a flag streaming motorbike gallop down from the rise of grasslands to the farm for feed, rest, wash and a check-over by stable hands. Both Inner Mongolian people and Mongolian horses share character that makes their intermingling noble, proud and deserving of respect. It is reassuring that the wild spirit of both species survive in warm and productive harmony.   

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