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Alex Little

Student Photographer

Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication)

Between the consciousness of a child and the wisdom of Buddha the landscape is shaped to fit imagination whereby paths become roads unifying space and time; temples lift rocks to the top of columns in affirmation of awe; illuminated at night, architecture chants the same message over again through park shelters, apartments and administrative blocks. The desert is lit only by the sun direct, diffuse or by lunar reflection. We become the environment we live in for the longest time and we are all made of the earth reflecting upon itself. A child understands that and Buddha knows it. Simple restructuring of these images differentiates objectively between the photograph and the photographed. A photograph can easily be paired with another in re-composition of new images of juxtaposition between two immovable, discrete places. So, that placement might create a non-verbal narrative out of a magical, beautiful landscape and amazing people on a journey that reawakened my sense of the world and my spirituality within. 

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Theme by Anders Norén