Alternative Online Assessments Guide
- How can I check if my assessment tasks are aligned with the unit learning outcomes?
- What quiz options are available in vUWS?
- How can a quiz be designed to ensure the questions align with the level of learning required in the learning outcomes?
- How can cheating be reduced in online assessments?
- How can I check that my assessment task is ready for students?
As Western has moved to online learning due to COVID-19, Unit Coordinators are required to replace face-to-face assessments or invigilated examinations with online alternatives. This guide aims to provide suggestions to help transition assessments for online delivery.
View Alternative Online Assessments Guide (PDF, 622.9 KB) (opens in new window)
Designing for authentic assessments
- How will I know if my assessments are already authentic?
- What are the differences between authentic and non-authentic assessments?
- What kind of assessment task is authentic for my unit and aligns with the content and learning activities?
- How can I design a task that reduces opportunities for cheating?
- What small changes can I make to existing quiz/exam questions to make them more authentic?
Authentic assessments have a strong relationship to tasks performed by practitioners within/in the social and physical contexts of a specific profession and thus, students are asked to demonstrate skills and knowledge reflective of those tasks and contexts.
View Designing for authentic assessments resource (PDF, 443.54 KB) (opens in new window)
Re-imagining Authentic Assessment. Best practices for design and measuring success
This roundtable panel discussion at Times Higher Education Live ANZ 2020 explores different perspectives on the design and delivery of authentic assessments to address the important issues of how to measure success, inform future iteration, and reimagine/rethink courses during the uplift process.
Visit the Turnitin website to view the recorded event (opens in new window)